GlassWalkers Consulting

Skylights and Slope glazing are a specialty part of the glazing industry. While working along side multiple consulting companies with little to no skylight experience, I believed it was time for a change of pace which brought along GlassWalkers Consulting. It was time to bring more experience to the behind the scenes of the industry.

We are here to insure your skylight and slope glazing projects are completed with the highest level of quality standards to ensure the least amount of future issues.

GlassWalkers history

With 30 years in the construction industry, across three different trades; sheet metal, carpentry and glazing. I have worked on some of the largest skylight projects for Super Sky; which I have instilled the attention to detail to insure a quality install.

The last 15 years, I've dedicated my time to installation and renovations, working on multiple manufacture's products. Learning and understanding each unique design to assist with my knowledge of this industry.